November 2022 - Double Book Box

November 2022 - Double Book Box
We are excited to introduce our November Book Box with will feature not one, but TWO exceptional novels to tickle the fancy of any reader.
Book 1 is CURSED by Marissa Meyer. This is the much awaited sequel to Gilded- a thrilling retelling of Rumpelstiltskin.
Book 2 is the highly anticipated fantasy debut novel by Jamie Pacton titled The Vermilion Emporium
At this time Cursed will be a SIGNED hardcopy edition while The Vermilion Emporium is guaranteed with a BOOKPLATE- we are still trying to coordinate signed editions for this title as well so fingers crossed 🤞. We did not want to continue delaying the announcement as the publisher has pushed back the release but also want to be upfront that signed copies are NOT guaranteed for this title.
With that said, we are very excited for this box which will also include a delectable snack item by a local baker as well as a GILDED candle accessory to add a bit of sparkle and pizazz to your collection.
This month's VIP CHARM for our subscribers will be inspired by the Rumpelstiltskin fairytale!
Sales are now open but very limited. We hope to be shipping this box later in November, however the publisher has already warned us of possible delays. As we firm up our shipping timeframe you will be the very first to know!